Are You Ready To Make Your Dream Life A Reality?

Wednesday I received the latest edition of Les Diplômés in the mail with my article about the pianist Alexandra Stréliski. Such an honor to meet and write about this wonderful artist and inspiring woman. Alexandra Stréliski’s music has not only toured the globe accompanying several Hollywood hits such as Dallas Buyers Club, Big Little Lies and Sharp Objects; it is currently traveling in space with astronaut David Saint-Jacques!

Here’s a video of her music

As good news never comes alone, I just received one of the most beautiful compliments. Alexandra’s dad, none other than the renowned publicist and professor Jean-Jacques Stréliski (HEC Montreal), wrote to the magazine Les Diplômés that my article revealed more about his daughter’s determination than we already know. Aww…
So how do I feel today? Well, pretty good thank you. And that has nothing to do with the fact it is Friday. Euh ok, that’s nice too! But I’ve realized that while I’ll always write —and consider myself lucky to get paid to do so, I need new challenges. I have dreams.
”You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream” – C. S. Lewis
My blog, the WP community and my collaborative project with Lisa and Darren (aka Lismore Paper and The Arty Plantsman) bring so much joy —See our latest edition of When Fashion and Nature Collide HERE. I love writing about sustainable fashion, creating designs, sharing tips on how to style certain pieces of clothing or do DIY and empowering people. I wish I could do that full time.
Of course that won’t pay my mortgage and it means letting go of my financial security. If I had no kids I guess the decision would be easier to make, but then again I don’t think the BIG UNKNOWN is ever easy to deal with. Much of the stress that we feel comes from the fear of failure. We just need to have faith and keep working hard. I know, It’s easier said then done.
Remember, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, ”You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
What do I really want to do with my life? Am I ready to make the sacrifices? Honestly, I’m still wondering and I keep thinking that what I have now was once among the things I have dreamed for. So which path to follow? Alexandra Stréliski had to make such a decision two years ago. It took a burn out to make her realize she had to change things in her life. Sometimes, our dreams remain just daydreams for far too long. I wonder why as adult we tend to do that. I mean, do we really need to wait until we hit rock bottom before reaching for our dreams and make them a reality. My mother used to say to me:
”Pursue your dreams and reach out for the sky. You do not want to become a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”
At the moment, I am at the stage of planning. I need to prepare for the road ahead. I do so by setting myself realistic goals. Baby steps toward actualizing my new dreams. So I can hopefully grasp the opportunities and fly high.
What about you. Do you have dreams? Are you doing what needs to be done to make them achievable? Or are you sitting in your car (or on your scooter) looking at your dream life through your rear view mirror?

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend filled with strength to keep acting on your dreams and make them a reality.
If you can read French, here’s the link to the article in Les Diplômés: Alexandra Stréliski – Sa musique conquiert la planète

  1. Congratulations; to have the praise of your interviewee’s father is wonderful.
    It is so common for us to sit on our dreams (I’m a prime example), so I hope your dreaming and planning come to fruition.

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    1. Sorry for taking so long to reply to you Sue. I caught a very bad cold and have been knock out for a few days. Only starting to feel a little bit better. I will try to catch up soon on your blog posts. Yes, let’s both keep dreaming! Have a beautiful and creative week ahead.

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  2. First of all, heartfelt congratulations on your article and the response to it. Such a tribute to your talents!
    You and I have talked a lot about being at a crossroads in life, and I am sure this conversation will continue. I am just glad that you, Lisa and I found each other at this critical time. I hope we can be a big part of each other’s futures and a mutual support mechanism.
    I have been thinking about the question you ask. Why do we allow ourselves to reach rock bottom before precipitating change? I think there are several reasons. When you reach our stage in life, steady income, nice home, family then it feels scary to disrupt that. Also our lives become entwined with the lives of others and it feels selfish to disrupt that also. It is easy to put aside your own unhappiness just to keep everyone else happy.
    Sometimes too, I think that a person does not realise how unfulfilled they are until that moment of crisis.
    I believe that those baby steps to a new future are the right approach. You will get there and I look forward to following your journey.
    Your post is wondeful and thought-provoking. I identify with everything you say but could not express it so eloquently.

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    1. Thank you Darren for sharing your thoughts and I think your analysis is very accurate. You’ve captured thoughts that have been in my head and helped me make sense of them. I know all about the danger of putting aside personal wishes just to keep everyone else happy, but slowly making changes – one thing at a time! I’ve found my passion a long time ago but I want more now, especially more time to create. More control also over the topics and people I write about. Want to write more about people like Alexandra for example. Yes, I also believe we will get there. Somehow things do have a way of working out. It has been my experience at least. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I really like your reply. Thank you again for taking the time to write it. Means a lot to me.

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    1. In my field we do not get compliments very often for the work we do. So yes, it was really nice to get this one. There are lots of articles that have been written in the past two years about Alexandra and it’s pretty hard to come up with new material. So the challenge was to present the information about her in an original way. To have her dad say that I did was a huge compliment. Made my day! Thank you Linda. All the best to you too my friend.

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    2. Thank you Linda. I missed the last Friday GIJ. So sorry. I’m working on my post for our May edition at the moment, which is Wednesday. I’ll visit your site this week my friend. Hope you and Bill are doing well. xoxo

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  3. Wow I am so happy for you I know I have already said that but I am. A very important point here that goes beyond just feeling comfortable where we are or at least we think we are comfortable and then we let things pass. The reality is that if you do not go after your dreams you lose yourself and depression can play a big part on that. Not following dreams make us unhappy and unhappiness makes us depressed. I have been there too many times, however I have given up on dreams to please others and the need for approval can be disastrous. So do not give up never ever and do not let anyone tell you what to do. It is your life and you need to be happy. I am going after my dreams for the first time ever I do not care what people think about what I do. I love what I am doing I am working 100 times harder but it does not feel like work. I do work on the side to maintain my business which is not fully grown and self Sufficient YET but I will get there because when you do what you love and want to do You are already there. Life is beautiful it does not have to be hard As long as you do what you love You will be happy. Sorry for the long post. Happy Mother’s Day. Keep going after your dreams and be Happy xoxo Cris

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    1. I totally agree with you Cris and you should be so proud of the goals that you have reach. Hopefully we will both make our dreams come true. Thank you for visiting.


  4. Wahouu super article! J’ai envie de te dire vas y fonce fais ce que tu aimes mais en même temps je comprend ta nécessité de sécurité. J’aimerais tellement trouver le courage de me lancer et faire ce que j’aime. Vivre de sa passion doit tout simplement être génial, et pouvoir se faire passer avant les autres doit l’être encore plus, on a besoin aussi d’être égoïste si on ne veut pas faner.

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    1. Tu as parfaitement raison. Il faut penser a soi aussi. Pour le moment, je prépare le terrain. Chaque chose en son temps. Je n’ai pas envie de me précipiter dans l’aventure sans avoir planifié. C’est dans ma nature! Merci d’avoir pris le temps de lire l’article. Quel plaisir tu me fais! P.S. Désolée d’avoir tardé a te répondre. Je suis malade depuis quelques jours. Rien de bien grave, juste un rhume mais je suis completement KO.

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    2. J’imagine que cela implique beaucoup de travail mais après tu pourras en profiter et apprécier de doux moments de détente. Je vais mieux heureusement car je suis en compagnie de Darren depuis deux jours et Lisa arrivera très prochainement.

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    3. Les rénovations sont toujours épuissantes mais tu seras tellement contente lorsque tout sera complété. J’ai beaucoup de plaisir a faire découvrir Montréal a Darren. Lisa devrait arriver vendredi. Je ferai un post de leur visite lorsque j’aurai trié toutes les photos.

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  5. Soooo proud of you! Who wouldn’t be. Lovely interview. Terrific talent (Both of you.). I used to have a radio talk show, interviewing some incredible people. Also hundreds of live interviews of authors and recording artists on my music drive-time shows. I so loved asking the everyday questions listeners really wanted to know about that person’s life. It was a highlight throughout my career. A dream come true. I’m so happy that you are showing this side of you, spotlighting a great talent and the twists and turns of what makes dreams develope into realities. Hugs, dear lady.

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  6. I cannot even begin to express how proud I am of you. You truly inspire my soul. First, congratulations on the article and that her father reached out to the magazine. You are an amazing writer and make all of us that know you better, too. As you already know, we share the same dream. it’s an honor and a privilege to create with you and Darren. I agree with what Darren said with my whole heart. We will realize our dreams sis! You are a talented and inspiring soul. Much love and big hugs!! 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Lisa. I feel the same about you, too. You and Darren are the best creative partners and I am so grateful for your friendship. I am blessed that our path have crossed. Sending huge hugs your way. And lots of love. xoxo


  7. Again – many congratulations, Dominique!! And what a wonderful post this is! I’ve just listened to Alexandra’s music and feel like in a dream – it’s so beautiful and serene, exactly the kind of modern piano music I love!
    I think you’re on a good way to make your dreams come true, it just needs time and patience. Like the wonderful quote by Martin Luther King Jr said – take the first step. 😊💕

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    1. Alexandra’s music is wonderful indeed. I’ve been listening to it none stop. Hehe… I am this kind of person All or Nothing. Yes, you are right about our dreams Sarah: First step, hard work and everything else will follow. Hope you are well my friend. I haven’t had time to write to you but believe me I am thinking of you. I will do so this weekend. Hugs.

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    2. I’m much the same! I can be very enthusiastic when I love something – or someone. 😉
      Please don’t worry about writing me, I know how busy you are! Whenever you’re ready, I am too! 😀 😉 Thinking of you too and hope that cold is gone now? Much love!

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    3. Thanks Sarah. I’m still weak but feeling a lot better. I’m thankful that I caught this cold before Darren and Lisa’s visit. Hopefully, I’ll be back to normal when they get here. Have a fabulous weekend my friend.

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    4. May 20th is a holiday here. For some it is Victoria Day for others like me it is National Patriots’ Day. Either way, it’s a day off work! 🙂 I should be back to “normal” before they arrive. I’m smiling while writing this reply because my “normal” self is a little weird. Hehe… Have a wonderful week Sarah.

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    5. For me the 20th is World Bee Day! 😀 But no real holiday. 😉 I had to smile that you had to smile describing yourself as normal and finding it funny – my normal self is also a little weird. 😉 But I try to sell it as being charming! 😀 😉 Have a beautiful day! xoxo

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    1. Thank you so much for you positive feedback as always. You are among the great followers who encourage us to give it our best. Dreams are what keeps us going, aren’t they?


  8. Firstly, congratulations on the article and receiving that incredible praise. Secondly, never, ever give up on your dreams Dominique. I know the feeling of uncertainty and second guessing ourselves and feeling like we don’t want to disrupt what’s already “good enough” but honestly, we only get one shot at this life. Keep taking those baby steps. And doing what you love, because that will fuel more. xx

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    1. Thank you so much Miriam. Your comment is exactly what I needed to hear. All my WP friends have been giving me positive feedback and I truly appreciate it a lot. I just wonder if baby steps are enough. I mean, I am not getting any younger and as you said: “We only get one shot at this life”. Fingers crossed… And lots of work to do. xxx

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    2. The thing with those baby steps Dominique, is that they can quickly turn into giant leaps overnight. For me one of the biggest hurdles is mindset and believing in myself. Go for it my friend. Neither of us is getting any younger. Our time is now! xx

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