Bee chic

Photography: Burt’s Bees & Pink Tartan
Raise awareness about the importance of bees to the ecosystem and curb the threat on agriculture disappearance. These are the objectives of the brand Pink Tartan and Burt’s Bees that have joined forces and created the t-shirt Bee chic to restrict the disappearance of pollinators.
Available in limited edition since May 2016, the t-shirt is sold at the Pink Tartan store in Holt Renfrew for $ 49. Each Bee chic t-shirt comes with two Burt’s Bees 100% natural lipsticks in spring shades (Iced Iris and Tulip Tide). The funds raised will enable Burt’s Bees and Wildlife Preservation Canada to plant thousands of wild flowers to support bee health and sustainability.
The use of pesticides, especially neonicotinoids, cause the disappearance of bees. Other factors, such as habitat loss, the parasite Varroa destructor and monocultures increase the problem. To date, in many parts of the world, more than half of the bees needed to sustain crop yields are lacking.
According to Dr. Pascal Dubreuil, a professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal, increases in monoculture is a serious problem. It can cause malnutrition bees. ” If you eat bananas 365 days a year, you will survive, but I do not know what will be your condition! It’s the same for a bee that can only forage blueberry flowers ” says Dr. Dubreuil.
To combat malnutrition, beekeepers give pollen supplements to their colonies. A common solution today is to hire itinerant hives at the time of flowering. This is particularly the case in California where each year nearly two million hives for almond tree fertilization are transported by trucks. In Quebec, beekeepers are increasingly likely to move their hives to help pollinate. ” My brother is a beekeeper says Dr. Dubreuil. His revenue now mainly derived from renting his hives rather than selling his honey. “
The environmental initiative of Pink Tartan and Burt’s Bees therefore is good, but does not fully solve the problem. It is nevertheless noteworthy.
This post is part of an article about the disappearance of pollinators that I wrote initially for the journal Forum in May 2015 and was republished by
Update: Here’s a recent scientific study from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology in UK about the impact of neonicotinoids on bees that I recommend you to read. (Note: Thank you Darren for this interesting and very relevant study and for giving me access to it.)
 The mite Varroa destructor, a parasite of the bee Apis mellifera, sows death in hives everywhere on the planet. Illustration: Benoît Gougeon
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  1. Reblogged this on and commented:

    Archived post: Given another old post a second life. This is the first blogpost I wrote and the content is still SO RELEVANT… To date, in many parts of the world, more than half of the bees needed to sustain crop yields are lacking.


  2. Great article, Dominique! I´ve heard of the problems with malnutrition for bees before but wasn´t aware that they trie to solve the problem by renting different hives into the monocultural areas – what a great idea!
    Each year I take great care to sow and plant flowers that attract bees and bumblebees, and there are studies that prove that the honey collected from these city plants is often even better than that from agricultural hives, because they offer a bigger variety and are not treated with pesticides. And I really love watching them at work 😉 xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes the renting hives into the monocultural is buzzing in Quebec. So nice that you have a passion for protecting pollinators! Can wait to see your pics of these beautiful critters. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It is so important to help the bees in anyway we can. I grow organically and will be planting wildflower seeds on the back half of my land. I leave the wild clover in the front half and the bees swarm it year after year. I never understood why people try to kill off the clover. Clover helps to enrich the soil. Bees are awesome an I look forward to seeing them buzz around! Great article. Bringing awareness is super important! Well done! Koko

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Great article! I have a number of friends who have started keeping mason bees and collecting the cocoons. I am watching their experience closely and might do so too in the future 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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