When Fashion And Food Collide – We Are What We Eat

Blank Instagram Post (6)One man’s junk is another man’s treasure, so why can’t so called “junk food” give us something that we can really chew on…like fashion? If you’ll notice, all of the things that are generally unhealthy to put inside your body – animal fats, fatty oils, cholesterol – are actually GREAT to put on the body. (Natural soap is nothing but animal fat, fatty oils make the best lotions and cholesterol is good for the hair.) Whether you should use these products or not isn’t the topic of today’s blog post.
My focus for this news update is when fashion and food collide. The same ornate culinary salesmanship that entices you to buy that sorbet pancake wrap or the whip cream pastry provides some beautiful templates for seasonal ensembles. From heartburn to eat your heart out – fast food can become quite elegant when used as a fashion inspiration. Sometimes…

Are you what you eat?

Moschino’s 2014 collection was a hit on the runway, and I believe that the main reason is because people want to have fun with their clothes. I totally get it and agree, but… Enough is enough! Oh well, I guess that’s what happen when you play with your food.
Junk food is just one of the options you have. Same goes with FAST FASHION. I know that many people would like to make ethical purchases but fast fashion seems to them like the only way.  It’s not. You can reuse your clothes before recycling them, and make your purchases more thoughtfully. For example by shopping vintage clothing or buying “new” clothes in thrift stores. You can also get the Good On You App (See my post HERE). It is the easy add on that allows you to check brands for their impact on animals, people and the environment as a whole.
Never forget. Each and every one of us buys clothes and through those purchasing decisions we have a huge impact on people, the planet, and animals.
Junk food might be cheap, but who said you were supposed to eat it anyway? As a nature lover, I sure (try to) stay away from it! Ditto with the brands that are not doing the work of green business. But I am the kind of person who tries to make the best of everything, and I find a lot of great things in what everyone else may call junk. Hopefully my food-inspired fashion collages will help you find the best in the everyday things around you, and inspire you to make beautiful treasures out of the “junk pile”. There is no such thing as junk – just a junky attitude.
Enjoy and feast your eyes!
Blank Instagram Post (8)Blank Facebook PostBlank Instagram Post (9)Blank Instagram Post copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copyBlank Instagram Post copy copy copy copy copy (1)Blank Instagram Post copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copyBlank Instagram Post copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copyBlank Instagram Post copy copy (1)Blank Instagram Post copy copy copy copy copy copy copyBlank Instagram Post copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy (1)Blank Facebook Post (1)Blank Instagram Post copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy (1)Blank Instagram Post copy copy copy copy copy copy (1)Blank Instagram Post copy copy copyBlank Instagram Post copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copyBlank Instagram Post (7)(Images via Feasting On Fruit, Pull Cast, Sheer Luxe, Now, Forager, Cake recipe pin club, 3C Style, Twitter UME, Mo851, Street Style Aesthetic, Canelle et Vanille, Naturelly Ella, Vanessa Jackman, Feasting at Home, Two Cups Flour, Dresshe Like, Chic Boho, Yahoo Lifestyle
02-stay-strong-webLet’s stay connected: Bloglovin – Instagram @3cstyle_fashion

  1. I only like the photos which have you… But this was a beautiful post. You are simply awesome Dominique… In some other lifetime, I would love to be as bold as you are… Your attitude and beauty just glows.. 😍Biggest fan ever

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Shalini. I thought I had already replied to your comment but It seems that I forgot to. So sorry dear friend. I will make it up to you! 😉

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    1. Ooh you must be so excited. I am too because Darren and Lisa will be visiting me in Montreal in two weeks. Have I told you that already? Gosh I think I’m starting to get old! Lol Keep well Mel.

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  2. You are SO good at this Dominique. These matches are inspired! The wrap with the red bag, green skirt etc – all the colours match perfectly. Nice to see the blue and white wrap dress appear again too. x

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ha, this wrap dress is a classic and it brings good vibes to me. Thanks so much for your lovely comment Darren. It must be bed time for you now. Good night dear friend.

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  3. How creative, in a thousand ways. Moreover, it’s just darn fun! That blue dress goes perfect with the blueberry pancakes. The Zebra Cake is a match I liked. Now I’m hungry. What a delight. Hugs hovering. -Alan

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Linda! I have so many things to tell you but have almost no time to write. We need to Skype. Miss you. Thanks for stopping by and the hugs. Sending lots of love your way too. xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Yes, it is not a fun time at the moment. I have been working very late at night and almost every weekend since February. I am tired and I look tired too. I need a break. Thankfully, I will have some time off work when you visit. I know you had some hard time too. Hope you are getting better my friend. We all deserve to have some pleasant moments to help us recharge our batteries. Keep well Linda. xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your support Brigid. 🙂What a beautiful way to start the day. Hope you were able to rest and restore on your social media break. I need one too, but thankfully Lisa and Darren will be here soon so I will definitely have lots of fun and creative time with them. This should help me restore. Have a beautiful day and thank you again for believing in us.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It is great that you are making healthy and sustainable choices. I also try too make eco-friendly choices and think twice before buying something new. With the clothing it is easy for me as I know the ”GOOD” brands but I find it hard with the food as almost everything is wrap in plastic. Arggggg! Thank you for sharing. I appreciate.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I know. ARRRG! This is soooo annoying. Thankfully, I found a little market near by my place that has stop using plastic -and the fruits and vegetables are really fresh, but for all the other stuff I have to go to the supermarket. Why do we call them supermarkets? They are not super at all.

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    1. Haha… Right now I would like some chips. But I certainly don’t want to look like a Potatoe! Thank you for stopping by and take the time to write this fun comment. Have a beautiful evening Tony.


  4. What a fabulous post as always Dominique, the food goes perfectly with the fashion (love that green and white dress). Another inspiring idea that you convey in your very creative way. 🙂 xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol 🙂 No, I would not have eaten that crape. I don’t have a sweet tooth. But don’t put chips or fries next to me. I simply can’t resist. I know it is not healthy but I am addicted to salty and spicy food. Thanks for stopping by Luda. ❤️

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  5. Fashion AND food?! Now you have me drooling!! 😂
    The saying ‘you are what you eat’ sounds especially nice in German: ‘Man ist, was man isst.’ Both – ist and isst’ sound just the same but the first means are and the second eat. 😊
    That zebra cake is just sooo awesome!! Wish I could do it but I’m not sure if I’m patient enough. 😉
    Beautiful and inspiring post! Just like you. 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I’m smiling! I like the sounds of the expression in German even more. I have not done the zebra cake. It looks like a lot of work indeed. You are a patient person Sarah. I see all the effort and time you put in your artworks. I bet with your fabulous creativity you would add a twist to this zebra cake. Have a wonderful Sunday my friend. xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

    2. You too have a fabulous Sunday, dear friend, and take care to get well soon!! Lots of chicken soup, tea and bed rest for you!! Doctor’s orders! 😉 xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  6. i am never disappointed when visiting your beautiful posts Lady D. it’s so refreshing at times to get posts with bite and depth. At times l look at this and reminisce back on my days working ladies fashion merchandising in London, being surrounded by an explosion of colours daily… then l don’t .. then l think l don’t need to l have 3C Style and the infamous Amigo’s 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – You are so kind. That means a lot coming from you. Thank you so much for the reblog as well. The May edition of When Fashion and Nature Collide is Wednesday. Our theme? Illusion! Just thought you might like to know. Will visit your blog soon. Just need to finish my post and photos collages for Wednesday. Keep well Rory.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Ortensia! Hope you are well. I know how busy you are with the promotion of your book. I appreciate you are taking the time to visit me. Keep well.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Well, I don’t know if I want to go shopping, but your food pics made me hungry!
    I have been contacted by a green company, FRE, to partner with them to promote their skin care line. I think you would really like it, and their environmental responsiblity😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know this brand but I’ll look for them. By the way, I wanted to use some of your food pictures, which are very inspiring, but the landscape format did not fit the collages, unfortunately.

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    2. I will do another post like this one. People seem to enjoy it. Think of me when you take your food pictures. For the collages, they have to be in vertical format.

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    3. Actually, the majority of my pics are vertical. IG favors vertical format, I wonder if something else was wrong with the pics you wanted 🤔
      You could also let me know which ones you might be interested in and I can reformat for you. Have fun with Darren! Look for that karaoke 🎤 machine 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    4. I will let you know which pics I did tried to match to fashion looks. You’ll tell me if you can reformat them. That would be awesome. I love your food pictures so much, not to mention your climbing ones too!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, you are so sweet. Thank you so much! I will visit your blog soon. It is a little bit chaotic over here at the moment. You know, daily job, kids… Lol. Keep well.


  8. These images are adorable You always find the most incredible combo Love this food and fashion matches Who thought fashion inspos were good enough to eat I also TRY to stay away from fast food but I can’t resist it sometimes I am a dessert lover and these dessert images made me feel like trying them all Now I will never look at my clothes in the same way I can tell my wardrobe is full of delicious dishes fashion like. Have a wonderful week ahead xoxo Cris

    Liked by 1 person

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